Enterprise Portal
Futica Enterprise Portal provides personalizable tools
to help organizations communicate and share information
more efficiently.
Futica Enterprise Portal is developed using the very latest technologies like 100% Java/J2EE/XML, JMS,
SOAP and platform independent system.
Default Enterprise Portal includes the powerful JBOSS
J2EE Cluster/Application Server, the stable Apache
Front end web server, the fast MySQL
Database server and the popular Redhat
Linux Operating System.
We can custom design features, if they are not supplied
as Out-of-the-box functionality
We can help you in following portal-related services
- Presentation services
- Information services
- Infrastructure services
- Identity Management/ Security Services
- Administration/Management services
- Access and Integration services
- Content Services
- Collaboration services
- Development services
- Application services
Our Enterprise Portal Features
- Taxonomy - content directory for an enterprise's
unstructured information can be populated with content
and presented to the user in many different ways
- Directory/Browse / Navigate Documents/Search
- locate content by navigating the directory structure.
Search capability, which indexes enterprise content from
multiple storage systems and allows users to browse and
retrieve content based on selection criteria. Searching
across multiple portals and their integrated applications
- Provide organizations with a single sign-on
web interface for email, document management, message
board, and other useful communication tools. Multiple
authentication schemes (LDAP or SQL) are pooled together
so users don't have to remember a different login and
password for every section of the portal.
- Content management - authoring, contributing,
reviewing, approving, publishing, delivering, and maintaining
content integrated with or accessed from a portal or other
web site
- Document management - control and management
of an enterprise's documents (other than web pages) stored
in electronic files, including scanned images of paper
documents. Includes check in and check out of documents
to ensure version control.
- End User Customization & personalization tools
- specify user preferences for color schemes, modules
that appear, and the layout of the modules and content
on a page of the portal.
- Administrators can also specify community pages so
that all users who belong to a certain group see a specific
community page
- Allow administrators to easily manage users, groups,
and roles through a GUI interface. Groups signify
a collection of users. Roles signify permissions that
a group or user can be bound to. Accesses to portlets
are also restricted to users based on roles.
- Business Intelligence - help users make better
business decisions. BI includes enterprise reporting,
ad hoc reporting, OLAP and multidimensional analysis,
and exception reporting.
- Workflow - administered and integrated electronic
management of a business process, including roles, tasks,
templates, checkpoints, approvals, and escalation procedures.
Our Enterprise Portal's Business Areas
Employee Community
A company's greatest asset is its people. Employee portals
are designed to make the people component of an organization
as productive and successful as possible. In addition,
companies are distributing authority, responsibility and
decision- making to key employees and empowering individuals,
as well as collaborative work groups, to make key decisions,
conduct daily activities and create business value and
- Human Resources
- Recruiting
- Training
- Accounting
- Financial planning and analysis
- Legal
- IT
- Project management
- Research and development
With employee community portals, companies leverage
data and information about their employees and management
to allow individuals and work groups to be more productive,
produce more work with fewer people, share best practices,
work more efficiently and make better decisions on a timelier
Customer Community
The focus of a customer community portal is to improve
a company's ability to acquire, serve, and retain customers.
Companies are competing for access to customers and building
loyalty and long-term relationships. Competitive advantage
is becoming more about customer intimacy, relationships
and service than product features and innovation. With a
secure and scalable portal, businesses can deliver key information
within and outside the firewall so employees and customers
can view products and prices, track orders, check inventory
and view delivery and service call status. The level of
customer information and self-service will improve customer
relationships and retention.
If an organization offers its customers external access
to selected internal information, they will, in turn, provide
an effective way to offer better:
- Marketing
- Prospecting
- Sales
- Field service
- Relationship management
- Ordering
- Customer service
- Support
Supplier Community
Supplier Community Portals are directed toward improving
the company's ability to identify, maintain, and manage
suppliers. Organizations are integrating and transforming
their supply chain and realizing the value of up-to-the-minute
information to manage more efficiently. Organizations are
also trying to reduce redundancy, improve time to market
and reduce overall costs. Improved information flow across
the organization and supply chain will enable employees
to make proactive, fact-based decisions to enhance:
- Ordering and Fulfillment
- Procurement
- Planning
- Sourcing
- Inventory Control
- Logistics and Distribution
- Manufacturing
Supplier community information portals enable both users
and external partner at every point along the supply chain
to effectively use information to improve processes and
time to market, reduce costs and manage the business more
Partner Community
Companies are focusing more and more on their core competencies
and depending more on synergistic partners for market
presence and competitive advantage. Companies are looking
to reduce their costs, improve their time-to-market, improve
their overall efficiencies and generally improve their
supplier relationships. Organizations need the flexibility
and nimbleness to enter in and out of partner relationships
on an on going basis, based on dynamic changes and competitive
pressures in the market. Many companies such as Cisco
depend significantly on their indirect sales and product
channels with their partners to achieve time to market
and competitive advantage. The partner community portal
allows corporate employees as well as channel partners
to view information across both the enterprise and the
channel partner. Some examples include:
- Share Marketing Documents, Product Release Schedules
- Distribute leads to reseller channel
- Manage Forecasts from multiple channel partners
- Collect up to date partner profile information
- Collaborate on joint selling opportunities
- Provide channel with a knowledge base for both sales
and technical support
- Provide access to partner-specific training, documents,
- Schedule resources based on demand
- Collect feedback from partners on both sales and
product issues
In general, both organizations would want to know what
products are selling, how much revenue is being generated,
what the amount of demand is and how many resources are
necessary to fulfill the demand. In addition, they would
want to know what the bottlenecks in the process are and
how to improve the combined process. Companies will utilize
partner information portals to provide access to and share
information across the value chain with their partners,
in order to collaborate on selling, delivering and serving
their combined customers.